Doctrine of Two Spirits
The The Spirit of Good (Life) – Seven Spirits of God – Positive Motivations
The Path of Truth & Justice - (Righteousness) - The Seals, Name & Temple of God
- Truth, Knowledge, Enlightenment, Discernment, Perfection
- Wisdom, Insight, Understanding, Intelligence, Ability
- Humility, Modesty, Patience, Empathy, Piety
- Self-sacrifice, Courage, Righteousness, Integrity, Virtue
- Compassion, Helpfulness, Generosity, Charity, Love
- Freewill, Optimism, Cooperation, Harmony, Joy
- Justice, Fairness, Equity, Safety, Peace
The Spirit of Evil (Anti-Life) – Seven Inclinations of Iniquity – Negative Urges
The Path of Greed, Falsehood & Injustice - (Vanity) - Marks & Images of the Beast
- Greed, Envy, Materialism, Excess, Money, Extortion, Usury, Profit, Wealth
- Falsehood, Equivocation, Deceit, Politics, Hypocrisy, Betrayal, Fraud
- Ignorance, Folly, Delusion, Hero Worship, Religion, Idolatry, Ritual, Dogma, Fear
- Arrogance, Impatience, Selfishness, Vanity, Untrustworthiness, Neglect, Indifference
- Anger, Insolence, Obstinacy, Callousness, Jealousy, Antagonism, Hostility, Malice, Hate
- Harm, Aggression, Provocation, Treachery, Violence, Cruelty, War, Conquest, Chaos
- Injustice, Inequity, Exploitation, Oppression, Subjugation, Inquisition, Enslavement
This is the refinement of the precept from the Dead Sea Scrolls “Community Rule” defining human character and behaviors. The Two Spirits (ways, paths, inspirations) symbolize Good and Evil. Each is further divided into seven sub-spirits (qualities and behaviors). This maxim unequivocally reveals God’s true nature and Her judgement of humanity prophesied to be delivered by Melchizedek.
The Teacher of Righteousness delivers decisive proof about the Creator of our eleven-dimension holographic universe, karma, astrology, reincarnation, and more. After painstaking research and reconstruction, he has unsealed The Apocalypse for all to understand. It is analyzed word by word and cleansed of Christian fraud to unveil its long-awaited Truth, Wisdom, and Justice. Its ancient wisdom symbology is fully reverse-engineered and revealed in the extensive “Apocalypse Symbol Guide.”
Here is
irrefutable proof the original Apocalypse was a symbolically encrypted Hebrew wisdom text encoding prophecy, philosophy, scientific knowledge, and the long-lost ancient Philosopher’s Stone of Melchizedek. It was stolen and fraudulently modified by the founders of Christianity. The true author was the Teacher of Righteousness of the Dead Sea Scrolls, a.k.a. Jacob the Just (a.k.a. St. “James”).